
Our denomination, the PCA, has been in conversation in recent years about how we as a church might be more intentionally loving toward ethnic and cultural minorities. At the 2016 General Assembly (the annual gathering of elders), the church corporately confessed its sins of racism surrounding the civil rights movement. (For more on this history, see here and here.)

At this year's General Assembly, a committee presented its report on racial/ethnic reconciliation, which the Assembly unanimously received with gratitude. I would really encourage you to read this report, which gives a very good picture of what the Bible (and our confessional documents) have to say about racism, diversity, and the importance of reaching out to those who differ from us culturally, ethnically, racially, and socio-economically. One of the key takeaways for me was that our church should intentionally strive, as much as we can, to reach out to, and even reflect, our church's neighborhood. In other words, this is a call to love our neighbors, whoever they might be (not just the ones we like, understand, or resemble). 

Our presbytery (the south half of Texas, minus Houston) also had a committee on racial reconciliation, and in April it presented a report more specifically tailored to ministry in south Texas (It covers similar biblical and theological territory as the General Assembly report does, but more succinctly.) Please also check that out. 

Our sister church Redeemer Presbyterian (central Austin) recently hosted a conference on loving ethnic minorities and the poor in our city. The talks are excellent, and I would strongly encourge you to listen to them too. There you can also find some very good articles by some of the speakers: "Trends in Evangelical Social Action" by Randy Nabors and "Racism Alone?" by Carl Ellis. 

As always, please approach me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to talk more.