
"Believers do not claim to comprehend all this [i.e., suffering, disasters, hardened nonbelievers]; they do believe that the alternative—pessimism as the fruit of acknowledging the blind will of a chaotic deity—is impossible. Believers are willing to look at the disturbing reality of life; they do not scatter flowers over graves, turn death into an angel, regard sin as mere weakness, or consider this the best of possible worlds. Calvinism has no use for such drivel. It refuses to be hoodwinked. It takes full account of the seriousness of life, champions the rights of the Lord of lords, and humbly bows in adoration of the inexplicable sovereign will of God. The almighty God is also, we believe, our merciful Father. This is not a ‘solution’ but an invitation to rest in God” (Reformed Dogmatics, 2:341)