The mission and vision of Christ the King Presbyterian (CTK) can be summarized in four pieces. The first three pieces basically describe what should be true of all churches, while the fourth ("vision") describes what makes CTK unique.
The Good News of God's Grace in Jesus
To Love God and Love Our Neighbors
Gathering to Christ, Growing in Christ, Going with Christ
In other words, the church exists to make disciples of Jesus through evangelism, to see them maturing in their love for, trust in, and obedience to Jesus, and to send them out to repeat this with others in their communities and the wider world.
This primarily happens within the context of worshipping God in and through local churches. In local churches, people gather weekly to praise God and hear his word proclaimed, and then they scatter back into the world to continue worshipping him and share his Word and his love.
While we recognize that there are many good needs, giftings, and opportunities for ministry, CTK is largely gifted in and focused upon two things:
We share and preach the good news of God’s grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus in all of Scripture.
Preaching: We prioritize expository sermons that draw their purpose and structure from the biblical text itself, while still applied to our lives in line with that text.
Spiritual Growth: God matures us through hearing and applying his word. We prioritize Sunday worship and community groups as the two main ways that we grow in Christ.
Evangelism: We are as comprehensible as possible to skeptics and seekers, all through our church's life: in Sunday worship, community groups, and in our friendships with them. While never compromising our doctrine and faith, we love them and first seek to do what is good for them in an affirming way. We humbly pray and seek opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with them. "Missions" is not only something other people do "out there" in another city or country — we are all missionaries in our own families, neighborhoods, and workplaces.
We are a worshipping family that seeks to warmly share God’s grace with one another and our neighbors.
Lay Ministry: The whole community is involved in caring for one another according to and with God’s Word.
Families: We realize that we are surrounded by and filled with families. We will prioritize reaching and strengthening families with the good news of Jesus, especially through encouraging parents and other spiritual mentors to disciple the children and youth of the church. The primary "men's/women's ministry" is that of husbands and wives each loving and serving one another and their children, and encouraging singles/widows to mentor and encourage other believers.
Small Group Ministries: Community is built through loving and caring relationships according to and with God's Word. It's in our small group ministries where we build and nurture these relationships. Community groups, Bible studies, youth group, women's fellowship, and men's gatherings are all important ways that we grow together in Christ.
Art: We aim to be aesthetically competant and beautiful, in our liturgy, music, and physical space, seeking to foster art and creativity in and among our community.