The purpose of Christ the King Presbyterian's Children's Ministry is to come alongside parents in raising their children to grow in the knowledge of, love for, and trust in Jesus Christ. As a congregation we join with parents in nurturing, teaching, and prayer for children so that they will learn to set their hope in God. Children grow in the knowledge of and love for Jesus as they hear stories of God's steadfast love and mercy. Children grow in love for the church through relationships with their parents, grandparents, and brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles in the faith. Children are known, loved, and valued as members of the body of Christ.
We welcome the presence of infants and children in worship throughout the service! Coloring bags for young kids may be found in the lobby, and worship bulletins for older kids may be found on the bookshelf at the back of the sanctuary. We also provide these options for families with little ones:
Nursery care throughout the service for children ages 4 months through 3 years.
Bible Story Time in the nursery during the sermon. Parents are welcome to bring children 3 and under to the nursery just for Story Time, or to stay throughout the service.
Bible Class for children ages 4 through 6 years during the sermon. Kids meet the teachers outside the sanctuary just before the sermon, and return to the sanctuary during communion.
Sunday School and Catechism classes for children ages 7 - 12 years periodically before worship.
Contact: Debbie Liu, Children's Ministry Director
Children's Ministry Handbook and Child Protection Policy