CTK relies on regular tithes and offerings from its members for our vision to share God's word and love in South Austin and beyond. Cherishing the riches we now have in Christ frees us from slavery to our comfort and possessions, while also motivating us to generously invest our wealth, talents, and time for the eternal kingdom of God. For more on what Jesus teaches about financial generosity, please listen to this sermon on Matthew 6:19-34.
See here for a detailed breakdown of how and what you can give, including special and complex gifts.
More briefly:
Click here if you would like to securely give to Christ the King with one-time or recurring gifts (there you can also choose to give into the Benevolence or Love Incorruptible funds). Please note that the church pays a 1% fee for ACH bank transfers and a 2.9% fee for credit/debit card transactions; if possible, please set up an ACH transfer instead of a card transaction. Another option (free for the church) is to use your bank's online bill pay service (see below for our mailing address).
Zelle - If you are enrolled with Zelle through your bank or the Zelle app, use accounting@ctkaustin.org to add Christ the King as a recipient. There is no fee to the church to receive a Zelle payment. You can designate a specific fund (CTK Ministries, Benevolence, or Love Incorruptible) in the memo line.
By Text
Give via credit card, debit card, or bank account (ACH) by texting an amount to (737) 530-4600. To give to the Love Incorruptible Fund, add a space and the word love after the amount.
Please note that we kindly ask that you do not take on debt in order to give online or by text; please give through a bank transfer, debit card, or another method instead.
At a Sunday Service
Drop a check in the offering basket at the back of the church on Sunday. Please make checks out to "Christ the King Austin" or "CTK" (etc).
By Mail
If you’d like to give by mail, you can mail a check (or have one sent through your bank’s online bill pay) to:
Christ the King Austin
PO Box 90967
Austin TX 78709
Please make checks out to "Christ the King Austin."