Generosity Initiative - Building Remodel

Click here for the design for the building remodel (May 2024).  

One of the most exciting developments at CTK has been the purchase of our building after we met in schools for over twenty years. The elders prayerfully trust that owning our own building will enable us to better grow as Jesus's disciples and to also better serve and reach our wider community. We are so grateful that God provided enough money for us to buy and repair the building through the generosity of people like you.

Late in 2022, our church began a three-year generosity initiative called "Love Incorruptible." Our church is giving their resources to the Lord for the purpose of important improvements and renovations of our building, so that we can better use it for our own growth and the good of ouneighbors. Please be praying that we might respond to the abundant riches of God's grace with hearts and lives marked by loving Christ with "love incorruptible" (Ephesians 6:24). 

You can find more information about how to give to CTK here. Here are some other resources for you as you consider how God might be calling you to participate in giving toward this critically important work at our church that will make us better able to fulfill our mission to be "sharing God's Love and God's word in Austin and beyond." 

Commitment Card (click to contact our accountant): 

1  2

How to give above and beyond: